Saturday, July 17, 2010

Taipei 101

Jeremy and I woke up just in time. We had to be at the bus at 8:20 and we woke up at 8:06. After making it to the bus, we were off to the National Palace Museum. The museum is a place of a lot of ancient artifacts such as the famous Jade Cabbage. Jade is a stone that most of the artifacts and jewelry is made from. After, we went to Taipei 101, which is the second tallest building in the world. It got its' name from having 101 floors and being in Taipei (the top nine are for machinery devices only). This is a building of department stores, 82 floors of businesses, and tourist attractions. The first through the fifth floor are the department stores, the 6th floor through the 87th floor are all for businesses and employees. The 88th, 89th, 91st floor are floors of items to purchase and window to view entire city. Check out the video and pics (Correction, Taiwan's mountains cover about 60% of the island).



Yesterday was our third day of class and Dr. Chin provided some very interesting information to the class about Taiwan, government, ISO standards, and many other topics. After, the class decided to go to a karaoke place but we "pre-game" to meet at the basketball court to play. After arriving at the karaoke place, we were shown to the buffet bar and then the singing begun. The highlight of the day was when Rick James' "Super Freak" came on. I think everone in there was singing the song!!! Fun. Well, that pretty much all that happen. We left the place at 11pm and headed home because we had a long day the next day.
Taipei 101, here we come!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Second Day of Class

Today, we work on our wiki page. The content had to be about our experience in Taipei the day before.We also discuss the information era and how important it is for organization to have collective intellience from people as well as computers. We also talked about the different about data, information, and knowledge.

Later, we took a short trip to Hsinchu Science Park (HSP). The science park is hugh! It was established Dec. 15, 1980 and is committed to developing a high-quality living and working space to attract hi-tech talent and firms globally. The HSP contains six industry categories: integrated cirsuits, computer and peripherals, telecommunications, optoelectronics, precision machinary, and biotechnology. The trip was well worst it and they also had some "really neat" electronics from the robot puppy to the solar powered toy cars. Good day, Great ending!Goodnight .

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Just for you...SB

They are everywhere!!

Day w/Taipei Rapid Transit Co and Control Center

Today have been a very long day. We went to run at 5am in the morning and after got ready for our trip to the capitol. We took the but to the Metro Train Station where he were shown around and explained how the operation control center operate. This city has approx. 2.6 million people, 700, 000 cars and 1.3 million motor bike in it. Taipei is a very crowded city and the living units are very expensive. After the tour of the company, we walked around the Taipei's mall until our train arrived to take us to the river(can't remember the name) that lead into the see. We walked across the lovers bridge then rode the boat back to the train station. This knowledge management tour started at 8:30 and didn't end til about ten. Guys, I'm tired and about to go to bed. Talk to you tomorrow

Monday, July 12, 2010

Time to work out!!!

I usually start off my day with something to make me laugh and Ankit helped me that morning (This is a video from a previous morning).
It is so amazing to see so many people up and working out at 5 a.m. in the morning. I thought that would be early but the track was full before we got there. (Watch video)

Night life in the city...

After eating today, the crew decided to go to a Japanese place to eat and the food was great! We did plenty of conversing and getting aquanted with the two new additional students (Justin and David). They both are political science majors and looking to gain a great experience. Once we finshed our meals, we decided to take a walk to the night market. Have a look at what I seen (Watch the video). Goodnight.

Opening Ceremony

We just got back from the Opening Ceremony where we met with a few of the CYCU professors and they welcome us with a couple introductions and good food. I set with the MIS students from CYCU and it was very easy for them to become my new friends. Pony is my brother and Rita, Dora, Ting are now my little sisters. Ok, enough of the chatting, time to eat!!!

First day of class in Taiwan

I'm in class with my Taiwan family and we just created a pbworks page. They are so the picture from the front to the back, its me, Kuo, Yu-ming (Pony-my brother), Chuang, Shih-Yi (Dora), Chu, Hui-Min(Rita). We will be working together in a group for the next few weeks. Today, we talked about the process of knowledge management. This process consist of collection, creation, organization, sharing and application. Today's class was a great session...our team are really putting our heads together (innovating).

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Another blog from a couple days ago

This is a blog of our first morning in Taiwan and when we went to go get breakfast. We are walking through the city with Dr. Jih. He is showing us some of the best place to eat and thats when we ran in to Dr. Chin. He is the CYCU professor that will also teach us about knowledge leanering and innovation . Dr. Chin said it was a earthquack but I didn't feel it at all. Time to go...ttyl. (Watch the video)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I know I'm late but we just got the internet working!

Well, we finally got the internet working and there is so much tell tell. First of all, the plane ride didn't seem as long as I thouht I would be. The plane had plenty of the latest movies, lots of room and they fed us like we have never ate before. Once we made it to Tokyo, we did a lot of exploring and trying homemade drinks that is used to suppress headaches, stress, etc. I also exchanged USD for some Yen. I got 1000 yens for 11.26 USD....NOT BAD :). I'm about two days late on the blogging because of our delay with getting the internet, so I just going to post some photos and videos. If you have any question about any of the pics or video, blog about it and I will reply. I having a great time but right now, I'm tired from working out at 5am with our professor and playing basketball a group of locals(high school basketball team). You don't have to ask....we won!!!!LOL.