Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day w/Taipei Rapid Transit Co and Control Center

Today have been a very long day. We went to run at 5am in the morning and after got ready for our trip to the capitol. We took the but to the Metro Train Station where he were shown around and explained how the operation control center operate. This city has approx. 2.6 million people, 700, 000 cars and 1.3 million motor bike in it. Taipei is a very crowded city and the living units are very expensive. After the tour of the company, we walked around the Taipei's mall until our train arrived to take us to the river(can't remember the name) that lead into the see. We walked across the lovers bridge then rode the boat back to the train station. This knowledge management tour started at 8:30 and didn't end til about ten. Guys, I'm tired and about to go to bed. Talk to you tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. Hello brother, how is it going out their in Tawian. It seems you having a blast out in Tawian. You got youtube going NUTS over your videos. Bruh Bruh just holla at yall. Be safe out their in Tawain.
