Saturday, July 17, 2010



Yesterday was our third day of class and Dr. Chin provided some very interesting information to the class about Taiwan, government, ISO standards, and many other topics. After, the class decided to go to a karaoke place but we "pre-game" to meet at the basketball court to play. After arriving at the karaoke place, we were shown to the buffet bar and then the singing begun. The highlight of the day was when Rick James' "Super Freak" came on. I think everone in there was singing the song!!! Fun. Well, that pretty much all that happen. We left the place at 11pm and headed home because we had a long day the next day.
Taipei 101, here we come!!

1 comment:

  1. Yea man Karoake night was a blast. I think that was us singing "Super Freakkkky, ooooohhh ooohhhhh" haha nice pic!
