Saturday, July 10, 2010

I know I'm late but we just got the internet working!

Well, we finally got the internet working and there is so much tell tell. First of all, the plane ride didn't seem as long as I thouht I would be. The plane had plenty of the latest movies, lots of room and they fed us like we have never ate before. Once we made it to Tokyo, we did a lot of exploring and trying homemade drinks that is used to suppress headaches, stress, etc. I also exchanged USD for some Yen. I got 1000 yens for 11.26 USD....NOT BAD :). I'm about two days late on the blogging because of our delay with getting the internet, so I just going to post some photos and videos. If you have any question about any of the pics or video, blog about it and I will reply. I having a great time but right now, I'm tired from working out at 5am with our professor and playing basketball a group of locals(high school basketball team). You don't have to ask....we won!!!!LOL.

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