Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Second Day of Class

Today, we work on our wiki page. The content had to be about our experience in Taipei the day before.We also discuss the information era and how important it is for organization to have collective intellience from people as well as computers. We also talked about the different about data, information, and knowledge.

Later, we took a short trip to Hsinchu Science Park (HSP). The science park is hugh! It was established Dec. 15, 1980 and is committed to developing a high-quality living and working space to attract hi-tech talent and firms globally. The HSP contains six industry categories: integrated cirsuits, computer and peripherals, telecommunications, optoelectronics, precision machinary, and biotechnology. The trip was well worst it and they also had some "really neat" electronics from the robot puppy to the solar powered toy cars. Good day, Great ending!Goodnight .

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